What’s it like working locum tenens in South Carolina? One of the many benefits of working locum tenens is the opportunity to work in a variety of settings—not just healthcare facilities, but different cities and states as well. Home to one of the oldest living oak trees in the Southeast […]
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Working Locum Tenens in South Carolina
What Physician Specialties Pay the Best
What Physician Specialties Pay the Best? As a physician, deciding which specialty you want to choose can be a big decision. While it’s important to consider what interests you—for example, do you like working with children, or are you fascinated by the human brain and how it works—it’s also important […]
Tax Benefits of Being a Locum Tenens Provider
What Are The Tax Benefits of Being a Locum Tenens Provider? If you’re thinking about becoming a locum tenens provider, you may have a lot of questions about how to get started and how to handle finances. Specifically, you might be wondering if there are any tax benefits to being […]
Locum Tenens Housing
Many people think locum tenens providers have to live in an extended stay hotel for the duration of their assignment. However, that’s only one option. The type of housing that is provided depends on many factors such as the duration of an assignment, location, and the agreed upon budget. Here […]
DO vs. MD: What’s the Difference?
In the United States, there are two degrees that allow a physician to practice medicine: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) or Doctor of Medicine (MD). There are a few differences between the two in terms of what type of medical school each attends and what type of medicine they practice, […]
#BecauseICan Help Provide Care to Those in Need
#BecauseICan is a Barton Associates campaign featuring the real lives of locum tenens providers and the reasons that they do locum tenens work. For all of the providers featured, the flexible nature of locum work allows them to live life on their own terms. Whether that means frequent travel, volunteer […]
States You Can Get a CRNA License in Under Six Weeks
Chances are you have chosen the locum tenens career path because of its flexible nature. A key factor in a provider’s decision to go locum is often having the ability to travel around the country. One of the major things holding providers back is not having the appropriate state license. […]
5 Reasons to Consider Full-Time Locum Tenens
5 Reasons to Consider Full-Time Locum Tenens Locum tenens can be appealing to healthcare providers who want the freedom and flexibility to make their own schedules. While working locum tenens allows providers to work as much or as little as they want as far as how many assignments they take […]
What is the Difference Between an NP and DNP?
What is the Difference Between an NP and a DNP? Nurses play a lot of different roles in healthcare and, as such, often vary in terms of education and experience. Because there is no one way to be a nurse, there are many different ways for those in the field […]
States You Can Get a Physician License in Under Eight Weeks
Chances are you have chosen the locum tenens career path because of its flexible nature. A key factor in a provider’s decision to go locum is often having the ability to travel around the country. One of the major things holding providers back is not having the appropriate state license. […]