PA scope of practice laws vary throughout the country. In this series, we will outline physician assistant scope of practice laws across all of the United States. Be sure to check back every month as we make our way state-by-state, highlighting what you need to know about each state’s unique […]
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PA Scope of Practice Series: Iowa
Tips for Efficient Hospitalist Rounding
Bombarded with random items from multiple directions throughout our day, most of us want to streamline our processes and maximize our time. I’ve found these seven strategies really help: 7 Tips for Efficient Hospitalist Rounding Review charts and pre-write notes I spend time in the morning prior to rounds reviewing […]
A Day in the Life of a CRNA
Can you believe CRNAs (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists) have been providing anesthesia services in the U.S. for over 150 years? During the American Civil War, nurses provided anesthesia services to wounded soldiers on the battlefield. During WWI, they became the predominant anesthesia provider for those on the front line. It […]
Lessons from the Career of a Locum CRNA — Renee S.
From all of us at Barton Associates, we want to wish you a Happy CRNA Week! We’d also like to thank the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) for hosting this celebration of certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) across the United States, as well as the CRNAs who work everyday […]
7 Ways to Show Your Value in the Operating Room
You seem to fit perfectly in the organization’s anesthesia department and hope to extend your stay. From learning a surgeon’s preferences, to properly documenting the care you give, here are seven ways to show you’re a valuable member of the surgical team: 1) Be Punctual This is as basic as […]
Tax Tips for the Independent Contractor
It’s that dreaded time of the year again when we must start thinking about taxes and as an independent contractor, you must also consider your allowable business expenses. According to the IRS, a business expense must be both ordinary and necessary. An ordinary expense is one that is common and […]
4 Simple Ways to Help Cope With the Emotional Roller Coaster of Life
When not working as an internal medicine physician, Dr. Eki Abrams is also a musician. Read below for her advice when dealing with the emotional roller coaster of life, whether between shows or between locum tenens assignments. “You don’t look like you’re going up to play next,” a passerby commented […]
Telemedicine Equipment: 7 Essentials for Your Exam Room
If you read our last piece on prepping your virtual exam room, you know a few simple tweaks and tricks that can make your venture into telemedicine a success. But, proper lighting techniques and what not to wear isn’t all you need to know. In this second piece of our […]
Independent Contractors: How Do I Choose the Best Business Structure?
Are you considering locum work, because it offers the flexibility to choose where and when to work? Sounds like a dream job, right? While the independence that accompanies locum tenens is a plus for many, it’s a good idea to carefully review all factors. One of the most important considerations […]
#BecauseICan: Volunteer Around the World
#BecauseICan is a Barton Associates campaign featuring the real lives of locum tenens providers and the reasons that they do locum tenens work. For all of the providers featured, the flexible nature of locum work allows them to live life on their own terms. Whether that means frequent travel, volunteer […]