The lack of ethnic diversity among medical students and physicians, and the importance of matching the ethnicities of providers with their patients, has been a popular topic in recent years. Not as many people, however, are aware of a similar lack of diversity in the physician assistant (PA) profession. What […]
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Improving Cultural Diversity in the PA Profession
5 Things You Should Know About Becoming a Doctor
Editor’s Note: Updated June 2019 Sometimes, common beliefs about what it’s like working as a physician are true — long hours, lost sleep, and high pressure, just to name a few. Other times, they’re completely wrong: The people who think all doctors are rich, for instance, have never stared down […]
How NPs and PAs Can Avoid Stagnant Salaries: 6 Strategies
It’s National NP Week! Thank you to nurse practitioners across the profession for your hard work and dedication to healthcare. We here at Barton Associates are celebrating with you by publishing NP-focused content all week long! Sometimes hard work doesn’t equate to a big reward. You will likely reach a […]
7 Tips to Help NPs Prepare for Telehealth Roles
In today’s ever-advancing technological environment, even medicine has gone digital. With telemedicine, patients have access to providers at their fingertips, at all times. This platform allows patients greater opportunity to get the care they need — and it’s giving providers greater flexible opportunities to practice as well. As a nurse […]
A Guide to the PA Wheel: Physician Assistant Scope of Practice Laws
It’s National PA Week! Thank you to PAs across the profession for your hard work and dedication to healthcare. We here at Barton Associates are celebrating with you by publishing PA-focused content all week long. Happy 50th anniversary! PA employment is projected to grow 30 percent from 2014 to 2024. […]
How EMR Savvy Are Locum Tenens Providers?
Electronic medical record (EMR) platforms and their shortcomings are a major source of frustration for both the providers who use them and the facilities who implement them. Healthcare professionals lament a lack of usability, while facilities often cite the high costs and provider training time involved in implementing such systems. […]
Can You Hire a Clinical Psychologist Instead of a Psychiatrist?
Patients suffering with mental illness are typically best served through a team approach that includes a primary care provider and the additional support of psychiatric evaluation or psychological care (and sometimes both). How do you know if your team is best served by a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist? Does […]
My Locum Tenens Story: Life As a Locum Tenens Dentist
Happy National Locum Tenens Week! As a part of our festivities, we’re sharing stories from healthcare providers regarding their locum tenens experiences. Dr. Dan S., a locum tenens dentist from Montana, has been working since he opened his private practice in 1983. Over the course of his career, whether practicing […]
My Locum Tenens Story: Meet Mark V., Locum Tenens CRNA
Happy National Locum Tenens Week! As a part of our festivities, we’re sharing stories from healthcare providers regarding their locum tenens experiences. Mark is a locum tenens certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) who has worked with Barton Associates for about two months, traveling back and forth between Vermont and New […]
4 Things You Should Know About Becoming a Dentist
Dentists are in high demand. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the job market for dentists will grow 21 percent between 2010 and 2020. This surging demand has quickly made dentists some of the most sought-after medical professionals. Because it pays well and offers high job security, more […]