Physician Assistant Guide to Locum Tenens Jobs in New Hampshire
Imagine for a moment that you are stuck in traffic on your way to work, bored of the same monotonous routine, and looking to experience new scenery and culture. Then, your phone vibrates. It’s your Barton recruiter with the answer. They share a new listing with great pay, your dream schedule, and it will start at a time that fits your current life. The only problem is that it is in New Hampshire which you know very little about. That’s where Barton comes in!

What You Need to Know About New Hampshire as a Locum Tenens Physician Assistant?
Our recruiters and staffing specialists do not expect you, the provider, to know ins-and-outs of every state in the country. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled information from TripAdvisor, state government pages, and tourist information sources to give you a glimpse into life in New Hampshire.
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New Hampshire: A Brief History
New Hampshire, one of the original Thirteen Colonies, played a pivotal role in the rebellion against British authority. Following the American Civil War, it became an integral part of New England’s textile industry, a position it held until World War II. In the 20th century and beyond, New Hampshire gained recognition for its presidential primary, outdoor activities, prestigious schools, and its contribution to the biotech sector. However, this is merely a snapshot of New Hampshire’s rich history, making it a wonderful place to live, work, and play!
What is there to do and see in New Hampshire?
- New Hampshire is known for its outdoor recreational opportunities. From its 18 miles of coastline to its centrally located Lakes Region to the White Mountains up north, there are plenty of opportunities for hiking, kayaking, sailing, and skiing.
- Take a trip to Lake Winnipesaukee, the largest lake in New Hampshire. The lake is 21 miles long, and the perfect palace to swim, fish, or take a boat out to enjoy the water. Known for its scenic beauty, this is the palace to visit for people of all ages.
- All aboard! Hop on the Mount Washington Cog Railway to enjoy the beautiful Mount Washington. Buy a ticket and enjoy a ride on this iconic railway while taking in the scenic mountain views.
- Visit Diana’s Baths, a series of small waterfalls in Bartlett, New Hampshire. This hike is family friendly, with relatively flat baths perfect for people of all ages to enjoy the waterfalls.
How close is New Hampshire to other cities and states?
- Vermont: New Hampshire shares a long border with Vermont. The distance from the center of New Hampshire to the Vermont border is negligible.
- Maine: The eastern portion of New Hampshire borders Maine. The distance from central New Hampshire to the Maine border is roughly 50 miles.
- Massachusetts: New Hampshire’s southern border is shared with Massachusetts. The distance from central New Hampshire to the Massachusetts border is approximately 60 miles.
Physician Assistant Scope of Practice In New Hampshire
What is the Scope of Practice for Physician Assistants in New Hampshire?
In New Hampshire, physician assistants have full practice authority, allowing them to independently diagnose and treat patients, order and interpret tests, prescribe medications, and perform procedures. It also provides professional recognition and autonomy, boosting job satisfaction and retention. Overall, full practice authority for physician assistants represents a significant milestone in healthcare delivery, improving access, collaboration, and professional recognition.
Can Physician Assistants Sign Death Certificates in New Hampshire?
In the state of New Hampshire, physician assistants (PAs) are legally permitted to certify deaths and sign death certificates. Under New Hampshire law, a death certificate must be signed by a physician, a physician assistant, or a nurse practitioner with personal knowledge of the death. This authorization recognizes the role PAs play in healthcare and helps ensure accurate and timely completion of death certificates.
Does New Hampshire Recognize Physician Assistants as Primary Care Providers?
The state of New Hampshire acknowledges the role of physician assistants (PAs) as primary care providers through its statutes and administrative codes. PAs in New Hampshire are authorized to practice medicine under the supervision of a physician and provide comprehensive primary care services to patients of all ages. PAs work closely with physicians to deliver coordinated and seamless healthcare to patients, and their services are covered by Medicaid, Medicare, and most private insurance plans in the state. New Hampshire’s recognition of PAs as primary care providers reflects its commitment to providing accessible, high-quality healthcare to its residents.
Can Physician Assistants Prescribe Schedule II Drugs in New Hampshire?
Yes, physician assistants can prescribe schedule II drugs in New Hampshire.
Do Physician Assistants Qualify for Medical Staff Membership in New Hampshire?
In New Hampshire, physician assistants (PAs) are recognized as crucial members of the healthcare team and are eligible for medical staff membership. This acknowledgment highlights their critical role in delivering quality patient care. Medical staff membership allows PAs to actively participate in decision-making processes, contribute to healthcare organizations’ overall functioning, collaborate with other professionals, and stay updated with medical advancements. This recognition empowers PAs to play a more active role in shaping healthcare policies and practices, reflecting the state’s commitment to patient-centered care and acknowledging PAs’ significant contributions to the healthcare system.
Can Physician Assistants Order Physical Therapy in New Hampshire?
In New Hampshire, physician assistants (PAs) are granted the authority to order physical therapy for their patients without needing physician approval. This recognizes PAs as independent healthcare providers and enables them to provide comprehensive care. PAs have provided physical therapy services for years but were limited by physician supervision, creating a healthcare bottleneck. Allowing PAs to order physical therapy has several benefits, including improved access to care, reduced costs, and maintained quality care due to PAs’ rigorous education and training. This decision is a positive step forward, enhancing healthcare in New Hampshire.
Can Physician Assistants Sign Handicap Parking Permit Forms in New Hampshire?
The state of New Hampshire authorizes physician assistants (PAs) to certify disability for parking placards. This authorization allows PAs to assess individuals’ medical conditions and determine their eligibility for temporary or permanent disability parking placards. PAs play a crucial role in streamlining the process, ensuring timely certifications, and providing comprehensive care to individuals with disabilities. The involvement of PAs enhances accessibility, reduces wait times, and promotes equitable transportation options for all.
Can Physician Assistants Sign POLST/POST/MOLST/MOST/COLST Forms in New Hampshire?
In New Hampshire, PAs are legally authorized to sign Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) forms. These forms serve as medical orders guiding end-of-life care preferences and treatments for individuals with serious or life-limiting illnesses. By signing a POLST form, PAs provide written instructions regarding the patient’s wishes for medical interventions. POLST forms facilitate open communication between patients, families, and healthcare providers about the patient’s goals and preferences for care, ensuring that their end-of-life care aligns with their values and beliefs. The POLST program in New Hampshire involves healthcare providers, hospitals, nursing homes, and community organizations, promoting advance care planning and ensuring access to quality end-of-life care aligned with patient preferences.
Can Physician Assistants Sign Do Not Resuscitate Orders in New Hampshire?
In New Hampshire, physicians can legally sign Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders. A DNR order directs healthcare providers not to perform CPR or other life-sustaining measures in the event of cardiac arrest. The physician must discuss the DNR order with the patient or their healthcare proxy, explaining the purpose, risks, benefits, and alternatives to CPR. If the patient or healthcare proxy agrees, the physician will sign the order and place it in the patient’s medical record. DNR orders are an important part of end-of-life care, allowing patients to make choices about their medical treatment and ensuring their wishes are respected.
What are the Continuing Education Requirements for Physician Assistants in New Hampshire?
In New Hampshire, physician assistants (PAs) must complete 100 continuing education (CE) hours every two years to renew their license. This requirement ensures that PAs remain current on medical knowledge and practices for safe and effective patient care. PAs track their CE hours and submit a renewal application with documentation to the New Hampshire Board of Medicine every two years.
Locum Tenens Physician Assistant Jobs in New Hampshire
Physician Assistant - Family Practice
New Hampshire is the site of your next locum tenens opportunity! Our client is looking for a physician assistant specializing in family practice to begin coverage immediately. Hours include 12 hour shifts (8a - 8p). The selected locum will be handling in home patient assessments, screenings, medical history reviews, med... View This Job
New Hampshire is the site of your next locum tenens opportunity! Our client is looking for a nurse practitioner specializing in family practice to begin coverage immediately. Hours include 12 hour shifts (8a - 8p). The selected locum will be handling in home patient assessments, screenings, medical history reviews, med... View This Job
Travel to New Hampshire for your next locum tenens assignment! Our client is looking for a physician assistant specializing in family practice to begin coverage immediately. Hours include 12 hour shifts (8a - 8p). The selected locum will be handling in home patient assessments, screenings, medical history reviews, med management,... View This Job
Travel to New Hampshire for your next locum tenens assignment! Our client is looking for a nurse practitioner specializing in family practice to begin coverage immediately. Hours include 12 hour shifts (8a - 8p). The selected locum will be handling in home patient assessments, screenings, medical history reviews, med management,... View This Job
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